1. What is a Comprehensive Plan?
A comprehensive plan is a long-term guide that expresses the values and aspirations of a community. It is the broadest public policy document a community can create for its future physical development considering the input of citizens, businesses, and other stakeholders. It includes a vision statement about the future condition of the County; goals and desired outcomes for each of the plan topics; objectives to measure progress on a goal; and actions to achieve the goal. The plan is a tool to prepare for and manage change. It acts as a guide for decision-makers. The plan is not a legally binding document, but it can serve as a foundation for budgeting decisions, zoning ordinances, land development regulations and more.
2. Why is a Comprehensive Planning process being undertaken?
This planning process allows us to work together as a community to make our great County an even better place in the future. By planning for our future, we can achieve our county’s vision and mission of providing quality services to our citizens at a reasonable cost and planning our growth so that there are abundant opportunities for all. In recent years, with the installation of new Council members and the recognition of intensified growth pressures, the County has implemented revised zoning and road classification plans in several small sub-areas of the County. This initial planning work is a good start, but now it is time to look at the whole County and at all aspects of community life within the County to create a holistic plan. The last Comprehensive plan was completed in the late 1990s and so it is time for Lexington County to have a modern plan that reflects existing conditions and current trends as well as the ideas of the community members.
3. When does the process begin and how long will it take?
The process officially kicks off in summer of 2020 and is anticipated to be completed in the spring of 2022.
4. Who is leading the planning process?
The process is being led by a steering committee, approved by the County Council. The Committee is made up of planning commission members, residents and business owners from across the County who represent diverse interests. Lexington County staff along with a consulting team from Clarion Associates, McBride Dale Clarion, Planning NEXT, Toole Design Group and TischlerBise will lead the day-to-day management of the process. The Steering Committee will meet regularly throughout the process to plan outreach activities and set the general direction for the Comprehensive Plan. When complete, elected officials will be responsible for adopting and monitoring implementation.
5. Why should I get involved?
This planning process will lay forth a framework for managing growth for years to come. The opportunity for all citizens to get involved and shape the future of our community is exciting and will ensure that the future growth of our county is guided by the community, not simply happening to the community. By joining your neighbors in shaping how Lexington County will continue to prosper for future generations you are being good stewards of our community. We need to hear everyone’s voice so that all perspectives are heard and considered. It is the goal of this plan that it reflects all the people that call Lexington County home. By getting involved you can help shape the vision and recommendations that make this happen.
6. Do I have to be an expert?
You are an expert if you live or work in Lexington County. No one knows the community like those of us who live or work here. The community’s authentic voice is essential to this planning process. Your participation ensures that how and where Lexington County grows is based upon the input of those who live, work, play and raise families here. You are a critical piece of this plan; we need you as our partner in this work.
7. How can I get involved?
By joining your neighbors in shaping how Lexington County will continue to prosper for future generations you are being good stewards of our community. We need to hear everyone’s voice so that all perspectives are heard and considered. It is the goal of this plan that it reflect all the people that call Lexington County home. Anybody that cares about the future of Lexington County will be able to participate and contribute their ideas and insight. There will be multiple public engagement opportunities throughout the planning process where the community can share their ideas and provide input. More information will be available soon, in the meantime, sign up here to receive email updates about the process and to learn about opportunities to participate. Also check back at www.growwithuslexco.com for future events and news.
8. Where can I learn more?
For more information about this exciting opportunity please visit www.growwithuslexco.com, or contact: Holland Jay Leger, AICP at HLeger@lex-co.com or (803) 359-8000.