The Grow With Us process will result in a new, modern comprehensive plan for Lexington County.

A comprehensive plan…

  • Is a long-term guide that expresses the values and aspirations of a community.
  • Is the broadest public policy document a community can create for its future physical development considering the input of citizens, businesses, and other stakeholders.
  • Includes a vision statement about the future condition of the County; goals and desired outcomes for each of the plan topics; objectives to measure progress on a goal; and actions to achieve the goal.
  • Is a tool to prepare for and manage change.
  • Acts as a guide for decision-makers.
  • Is not a legally binding document, but it can serve as a foundation for budgeting decisions, zoning ordinances, land development regulations and more.

The Process

From its start, the planning process will span approximately 22 months. The public engagement process is kicking off from
October 19-22, 2020 and there will be multiple opportunities to get involved.

Why you should participate?

This is a moment for our community
. This planning process will lay forth a framework for managing growth for years to come. The opportunity for all citizens to get involved and shape the future of our community is exciting and will ensure that the future growth of our county is guided by the community, not simply happening to the community.

Why is this important? This planning process allows us to work together as a community to make our great county an even better place in the future.  By planning for our future, we can achieve our county’s vision and mission of providing quality services to our citizens at a reasonable cost and planning our growth so that there are abundant opportunities for all.

Planning is the first step to action. We need you as a partner. No one knows the community like those of us who live or work here. The community’s authentic voice is essential to this planning process. Your participation ensures that how and where Lexington County grows is based upon the input of those who live, work, play and raise families here. You are a critical piece of this plan; we need you as our partner in this work.

Who is involved?

Steering Committee

Process and outreach

A Steering Committee is helping to guide the public process and the plan’s recommendations. The group is representative of the County’s many diverse interests.  They will assist with public engagement, review the technical work conducted by the consultants and provide feedback and recommendations on the draft plan.


Targeted input

Individuals or groups with specific insight or expertise will be engaged to provide insight during the process.


Input and feedback

Widespread public involvement is vital to the plan’s success. A number of engagement opportunities and online tools will offer a variety of different ways for the community to give input throughout the process.


Project management, local knowledge

County staff will support and help to coordinate the work and will also provide local knowledge and expertise to each element of the plan.

Elected Officials


The final plan will be formally adopted by the County Council who will have a central role in its implementation.


Process, leadership, expertise

The consultant team led by Clarion Associates also includes Planning NEXT, Toole Design Group, McBride Dale Clarion and TischlerBise. This team will work closely with the Steering Committee and Staff to facilitate the process and share experience from other successful communities nationwide.