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Thank You All for a Successful Idea Week!

By February 11, 2021No Comments
Last fall, Lexington County hosted a series of Idea Week meetings and conducted an online survey to collect public input for the Grow With Us planning process. To the nearly 800 residents that participated, we thank you so much for your great inputs! Your opinions and ideas will be used to shape our plan.


Seven virtual meetings took place across the County from October 19-22, 2020. Each meeting focused on one of Lexington County’s seven planning areas. These meetings provided an overview of the planning process, important trends and conditions that have an impact on the County’s future, and several opportunities for participants to provide their reactions to critical community questions. Through real-time polling, small group discussions, and good old fashion conversations, 130 participants that attended the seven meetings provided important insights and ideas.

In addition to the Idea Week meetings, 770 people that care about the future of Lexington County completed online activities, including survey questions and a mapping activity, resulting in critical information about both geographic areas that the County should be focusing on and different planning topics that are important to consider during this process. Both the Idea Week and online activity responses included more than 11,700 inputs that have been shared with the Grow With Us Steering Committee. These public inputs will be used to create the Comprehensive Plan goals and inform development of the plan. To see a summary of the outcomes of these public engagement activities, click here to view summary report.

The next opportunity to share your opinions on the future of Lexington County will occur this coming summer 2021. Residents will be asked to respond to different future growth alternatives for the County – an important step to building the plan for our future! Follow the project website and the County’s social media channels to learn more.